Wednesday, January 5, 2011

neptune is calling

january 5th. 5 days into 2011. quite naturally, everyone i am sure is still holding steadfastly onto their resolutions. it takes more than 5 days to admit you are a quitter. for me, i have started half my resolution- the one to read more, and am about halfway through death with interruptions by jose saramago. i absolutely have loved all the books i have read by him, so i am continuing on. and it was a gift. next on the list is the crucible, and then heart of darkness. after those, i will read deconstructing the kimbell an architect's account of louis kahnl, who as you all might know, is number 2 on my list of favorite architects. after that, brecht's galileo. afterwards, there will be more greek tragedies and faust. faust will be in february i believe. i hope by this one book a week, i am not setting myself up for failure, but rather for quite an education. kind of the best thing ever.

the other half of my resolution is to go to yoga 5 times a week. i am starting tonight. or restarting, as the holidays killed my yoganess.

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